Lateral Lining
Preparation is a critical part of our lateral lining installations. Our PFM (Prep-From-the-Main) tools are inserted into the lateral from within the mainline sewer to remove the roots, calcite, blockages, obstructions and other debris. The PFM uses a combination of reamers, flushers, nozzles, and CCTV cameras to clean the laterals through remote means.
The PFM tools also consist of a remote measuring process for determining the diameter of a lateral at every point along its length. This allows our teams to build a customized CIPP liner for a specific residence or business address. The PFM does not require a bypass of the mainline sewer, cleanout access or residential access to facilitate the process. All work is completed through existing manholes in the municipal right-of-way.
Inliner’s Measure from the Main (MFM) process utilizes a linear variable displacement transducer (LVDT) to transmit data back to the control system. Running hundreds of diameter checks per linear foot, the LVDT system averages the sizing and determines the appropriate lateral tube sizing for manufacturing.
The liner is ambient-cured and does not require other energy sources such as hot water or steam to achieve full cure.
Lateral reinstatement is not needed with the junction liner installation process. Once the liner is installed, the installation bladder is removed and the line is placed back into service.
Lateral lining projects are completed by our Family of Companies team member, LiquiForce Services (LiquiForce). LiquiForce is one of Canada's most experienced trenchless sewer rehabilitation firms employing over 65 full and part-time employees. For over 34 years, LiquiForce has been providing trenchless rehabilitation services throughout Ontario and across Canada.

Benefits for Our Customers
Our lateral lining renewal eliminates root growth in pipelines, improving the hydraulic characteristics while mitigating infiltration and inflow issues. Our process allows for installation without cleanout or bypass, and the liners are ambiently cured with no need for artificial heat or light.